We are not beautiful…

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mj0XInqZMHY   There are many reasons why this song resonates so deeply with me. Ive always been an Ed Sheeran & recent Khalid fan I love alternative/relaxed/chill vibe music Lately I’ve grown sick of the fancy labels, the money, the popularity – the whole lifestyle I would definitely say the phrase “money can’t buy happiness”ContinueContinue reading “We are not beautiful…”

Congratulations, your face didn’t meet the toilet today!!

  So, this one is especially for all the 1st time mommy – to – be’s, but the curious are always welcome. Maybe it’s more for the daddy – to – be’s too. As soon as I found out, I felt so unprepared that I opened up the laptop and started researching countless blogs, andContinueContinue reading “Congratulations, your face didn’t meet the toilet today!!”

Something to believe in <3

Before you start thinking I’m preaching or providing a religious studies lecture, take an imaginary key and open the lock to your mind. It may be boring, it may be ridiculous, it may be revolting, it may be just plain odd, but take a look-see – it may also be just what you’re looking forContinueContinue reading “Something to believe in <3”

“What is that noise?”

  Why is it that we do our best thinking in the shower? Is it because those drops of (hopefully clean) water cascading down you feel like little drops of magic? Is it because your thinking cap is hidden away to dry and your mind has the ability to wander at its will? If youContinueContinue reading ““What is that noise?””

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend- somewhere along in the bitterness? 

Growing Up. It happens to the best of us, maybe some of us more than others, but it’s always there – a part of life. When I was a kid, I used to think being a grown up meant going to college, being married, or being an adult (over the age of 20ish). Of courseContinueContinue reading “Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend- somewhere along in the bitterness? “

Don’t you worry child, see, heaven’s got a plan for you.

Hey Readers, So it’s been a while since I’ve posted and it was honestly unintentional on my part, but sometimes you really have to dig for time for your self. It’s a new year.  Some people treat it like the apocalypse, but for me? Whether you anxiously anticipate it’s arrival, whether you dread the secondContinueContinue reading “Don’t you worry child, see, heaven’s got a plan for you.”

Just Keep Swimming

  Hey people, So who out there is like me.. who feels things too deeply who feels the need to express her emotions and really explore them rather than just ignore them? If that’s you, don’t worry, embrace it!! WHY? Because I learn to appreciate the best moments and try to imprint it in my mindContinueContinue reading “Just Keep Swimming”